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Sonam Seed Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified

The company is started under the leadership of Mr. G.N.V. Ramakrishna (C.E.O. & Managing Director) who is well known personality in seeds marketing sectors. He came from small village at Eluru, Dist. West Godavari in (A.P.) and agriculture profile family background. He awarded of ICAR fellowship for studying in Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad 1994 as B.Sc Agri. with first class. He worked with seeds companies like Hindustan Lever Ltd., Pravardhan Seeds Pvt. Ltd., He had taken so many responsibilities in network like sales, Promotional and Port operation duties. He Succeed in all work with fully satisfactory from high management and good achievement. After getting 10 Years vast sales and marketing experience from this companies. He resigned from Hindustan Lever Ltd. and Started own Sonam Seed Technologies Pvt. Ltd. company as a Managing Director, at present he do the hard work not only his own interest but for the beneficiary of farming community

Sonam Seed Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Indian Seeds Company established in the year 2008. Which doubling the agri seeds producing, processing and marketing. The company’s head office is based at Hyderabad (Telangana) and its well developed 30 Acers R & D facilities at Mankandor Farm in Karimnagar District which is recognized by DSIR, New Delhi. The company has advanced & fully automated own equipped processing unit at Mankandor in Karimnagar District (Telangana). The Company has built its own cold storage of 200 MT capacity.

Company is also doing sales and promotional activities like field demonstration, farmers meeting, Dealers conference to take part in exhibition in all marketing area. The company’s R & D Scientists are also participated in latest agri-research technical seminars at various agri. Universities. Company is co-marketer of sub licensee of MMB (Monsanto) for Bt cotton seed. Company has done MOU one of the most premier agriculture institute IARI, Pusa, Delhi for production and marketing of its paddy variety seeds. it has also done MOU with MPKVV, Rahuri and BSKKV,Dapoli for Vegetable and various field crops.

Mrs. Sowjanya Ramakrishna (Director) wife of G.N.V. Ramakrishna taken in B.Sc Agri. education from Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Rajendranagar during 1998, She joined the family seeds business. She takes the lot of interest in Agri. Research activities at their own farm with Scientist. She has also taken the key interest in packing designs and all activities related to seeds processing, packing and logostics. She has also developed the new marketing area of South India. She is looking after the R & D Farm and all seeds production work in Hyderabad, AP & Telangana States. Our R & D team developed the 72 newly research high yielding varieties of different crops and then appro. 2400-2500 mts. seeds produced from 1000-1100 Acer area per annum from different parts after GOT testing, processing and packing the seeds. We have 225 innovative and committed team members with promotion manager equipped with modern technology, car, Laptops & projectors etc. They are keen to spread our wings across the market in SONAM BRAND thro 3400 Dealers/distributors from 26 various states in India.

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